Discrete Semiconductor
We Dhwaj International provide Discrete Semiconductor, An elementary electronic device constructed as a single unit. Before the advent of integrated circuits (chips), all transistors, resistors, capacitors and diodes were discrete. Discrete components are widely used in amplifiers and other electronic products that use large amounts of current. On a circuit board, they are intermingled with the chips, and there is hardly any electronic product that does not have at least one or two discrete resistors or capacitors.A component or device that is separate and distinct and treated as a singular unit. For example, a discrete transistor typically has three leads and functions as a single switch or amplifier. See discrete component and discrete logic. A semiconductor device which is self-contained and offers one particular electrical property or function. Contrast with an integrated circuit, which allows complex circuits consisting of many thousands of transistors, diodes, resitors, etc., to be included on a chip of semiconductor. Discrete components, such as discrete transistors, offer the advantage of higher power handling capacity.
Technical Specification
Height |
52.2 mm |
Length |
92 mm |
Mounting Style |
Screw Mount |
Operating Temperature |
- 40 Deg C to + 140 Deg C |
Vf - Forward Voltage |
1.3 V |
Vr - Reverse Voltage |
1.6 kV |
Weight |
1.433 lbs |
Width |
50 mm |
Material |
Compound Semiconductor |
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